Managing the Divisions Tab

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Managing the Divisions Tab

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The Division Tab can house unlimited number of divisions. A combination of letters, numbers and special characters can be used to name a  Division.


Create a Division


1.Click the Divisions tab.
2.Click the New Division Button.
3.Enter the Division name.
4.Click Create.



Create a Subdivision


1. Create your Division. (After creating a Division, the "New Subdivision" button will be available)

2. Click the New Subdivision button.

3. Select the Division from the dropdown.

4. Enter the Subdivision name.

5. Click Create.



Search a Division


1.Type a division name in the search field.
2.Press Search.





1.Click the Details button across the Division name.
2.Select Edit.
3.Enter a new Division name.
4.Click Save.





1.Click the Details button across the Division name.
2.Select Delete.
3.Click OK.



Add to Default Team


1.Click the Details button.
2.Select Edit.
3.On the far right, select from the first dropdown (Role).
4.Select from the second dropdown (User).
5.Click Add.
6.Click Save.